to Table of Contents

2. Imaging

2.1 Concepts

2.1.1 Data Structure

There are several classes of image data structure.

2.1.2 Time Course Plotting

On-line plotting of light intensity changes over time is an important function during physiological experiments. There are two ways for time course plotting of image data. Both display mean values within Region Of Interest (ROI) defined by the user. "Segment plot" plots throughout one segment of images. "File Plot" plots throughout one segments (stack of segments a file). There are advantages and disadvantages for both methods.

When doing file plot, caution should be taken about some options in the "image-option" menu. As described above, "keep prev ROI's", "keep previous background, ratio & [Ca] param" affects time course plot, and if "save back parameters" is checked, all headers of segments in a file are overwritten with "previous" parameters.

For detailed description about time course plotting, refer to the "ROI Manipulation and Time Course Plot Windows" section.

2.1.3 Background Subtraction

When image is analyzed quantitatively, signal must be separated from the background. This is very important issue especially when ratioing method is used. There are several methods in this program for this purpose. Refer to "background subtraction..." section for detail.

This method can be combined with other methods. This method uses other image stack(s) which has the same format, but without stimulus, as a bleaching reference.

This method is useful when a background image can be taken before fluorescent dye is loaded into a cell. Use take background button in the CCD-online dialog. A taken background image is copied to the first frame of a sequence of images. Refer to the "take background" section as well as "background subtraction..." section. (This method is obsolete, and is not recommended to use.)

Average value of the last ROI is used as a background value.

It is useful for brain slice imaging. After taking images, autofluorescence image stack can be taken from view field without target cells by moving a microscope stage.

2.1.4 Overlay Image

Another image can be overlaid on the current image. This overlay is temporary (overlay information is not stored in the header in the file) and can be set/reset through "overlay and linking..." option in the "local image option menu" or drag'n dropping an Image window's Proxy Icon onto a destination Image window. Although image with another overlaying image can be copied to the clipboard and pasted to other applications as it is, some application can not print the overlaying image (Photoshop is ok, MacDraw Pro is n.g.).

2.1.5 Linking A/D Data

A set of A/D (electrophysiological) data can be linked to an image segment. When an A/D data is linked to an image segment and files including those data are opened, A/D data is automatically selected when image segment is advanced in a file. A linked A/D data can be sent to Igor with a coupled segment image data. This linking can be made by "overlay and linking..." option of the "image-options" menu, or by enabling link with oscillo check box in the CCD on-line dialog.

The "display linked AD sweep" item in the image option menu (Menu Bar) switches whether linked A/D sweep is overlaid on time course plot or not.

2.1.6 Synchronization

Synchronicity of time course plots of simultaneously recorded image data and A/D data is guaranteed. But this does not mean neither that image recording and A/D recording are started simultaneously nor that the time difference of the starting of the two recordings are constant from run to run. Usually A/D record precedes image recording. TIWB merely display the plots with this time difference as offset of one plot. This offset is also transferred to Igor Pro when time course plot is sent to Igor Pro.
Image time course is plotted at centers of exposure durations.
In certain hardware configurations, it is possible to keep time difference of the starting of the two recording constant from run to run (in fast read mode).

2.2 Data Acquisition (on-line)

In data acquisition mode, four windows are displayed. "CCD on-line" dialog box is the main panel for image data acquisition. "full" and "seq" windows display full pixel image and sequential, binned image, respectively. "Image browser" dialog box is used to adjust contrast, move frames in a sequential image data, select raw or ratio display, etc. In this section, functions of the "CCD on-line" dialog box are described. The use of the remaining windows is described in the "Browsing data (off-line)" section.

"CCD on-line" Dialog

This window appears by selecting "CCD On-line" in the Window menu. If no camera is connected or camera initialization failed, this menu item does not appear.

2.2.1 Full Frame

This box sets conditions for "full pixel image" acquisition. Full pixel images can be acquired anytime.

It saves the current displayed image. It displays a save dialog box with a default file name which can be changed by the user. The same name as the current seq data id is assigned to the file name of the full image. A file name extension ".dts" is added to the end of the file name which can be deleted.

It starts continuous acquisition for focusing. During focusing, this button changes to "stop". If exposure duration is set too short, the actual duration is displayed in red at the bottom of this box.

When a frame-transfer or interline camera is used, focusing is much faster and is terminated by just clicking a mouse button whenever mouse cursor is placed (Shape of mouse cursor is changed to show this state).

key action
space key toggle subregion size
'8' and '2' keys increase or decrease subregion size
'4' and '6' keys increase or decrease binning size
up, down, left and right arrow keys
change automatic gain adjust factors

Duration (exposure time) for focus or single frame ("take").

It defines which filter (wavelength) should be used for focusing, which is enabled only when an appropriate filter exchanger is equipped.

It takes a single frame. Filters for this single frame taking are chosen by the check boxes ("f1", "f2", "ex1",.. check boxes) below this "take" button. With multiple filters are chosen, "take" takes multiple images of multiple filters at once. This function is enabled when a filter exchanger is available.

Parameters (binning, duration, auto/fixed gain, filter type) are stored and can be quickly retrieved by this menu. This is useful when longer exposures for fluorescence and shorter exposures for transmitted images are switched.

With this check box on, a child dialog appears which attaches to the left of the "ccd on-line" dialog. This function provides another way to take tame-lapse images. With the "autoRun" check box on, single frame mode of "full frame" images are taken at the interval set in this dialog. The number of frames is either not-limited ("free" mode) or limited ("train" mode). With "autoSave" checkbox on, image data is added to a file selected through "file" button in this dialog (it has a default file name). This "easy time lapse" function enbles two independent time-lapse recordings with "seq" image functions. For example, when "seq" is taking Fura-2 ratio pairs every 2 seconds with binning 5x5, you can take RFP signal and GFP signal from the same cells every 30 seconds with binning 1x1 with the "easy time lapse" function. If the "seq" time lapse and "full" time lapse should be synchronized, "auto run" and "link full frame" functions in the "segments" box in this dialog should used instead.

It determines the binning factor of the full frame (serial and parallel binning factors can not be different). Larger binning factors increase focusing frequency, but reduce the spatial resolution of the full frame image. Binning factor can be changed by keyboard without termination of focusing in "fast focusing" mode.

When it is off, only areas corresponding to sub-regions in the "seq" image are exposed (this is not a "full pixel image" any more). This mode increases focusing frequency. When subregion size is changed in "fast focusing", this "seq image-dependent subregioning" of the full frame image is canceled.

It enables automatic gain, i.e., minimum and maximum values are set in min/max of display image browser window. In other words, images are displayed with the appropriate contrast. Cut-off threshold for upper and lower limit can be set through the "cut-off" button right to this check box, which controls contrast of the image.

Cut-off limit in auto gain focusing can be set through this button. This changes contrast of the image. Cut-off limits can also changed by keyboard in focusing (in "fast focusing"). Lower and upper cut-off values are set by %.

Focusing is averaged by number of frames set in the text box. This is live averaging. Taking a single frame by pressing the "take" button is also averaged.

Background is subtracted in focusing image (and also taking a single frame by "take" button). Raw image data is processed before display, and the data saved to the disk is also after processed. Background image is taken by pressing the "taking background" button. Binning factor must match between background image and focus image, but exposure time does not have to match between them because background image value is normalized by its exposure time before subtraction (actually "division" is done).

2.2.2 Sub-Region

Digital CCD cameras allow "binning" pixels and acquisition of "sub-region".

Digital CCD cameras have fixed pixel arrays on their chip surfaces. Incident photons are "transformed" into electric charge (photoelectrons) in each CCD "electric" well, corresponding to each pixel. This array of electric charges is sequentially read by an A/D converter in the X-Y dimension, which makes an image. Some CCD's are capable of reading (A/D converting) more than one electric well at a time, which is called "binning". Binning is done in the Y dimension as well as in the X dimension. The merits of binning are acquisition speed (A/D conversion is one of the rate limit factor for frame rate) and sensitivity. Binning combines multiple electric charges, resulting in a larger digital value, yielding images with higher signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). The disadvantage of binning is lower spatial resolution.

A full frame image uses all the pixels on the CCD exposed surface. Sometimes a sub-region of the CCD is enough for acquisition (e.g. most of the image field is just background). By selecting sub-regions of pixels, the amount of data to be digitized is reduced and therefore higher acquisition rates can be achieved.
You can define sub-regions by dragging rectangles on the "full frame image" window using the mouse when the radio button is on (or by pressing the shift key when the radio button is off).

Note: Although this software supports multiple sub-region acquisition, Photometrics's PXL series and Sensys cameras do not accept multiple sub-region due to a bug in the firmware of the CCDs. Sensicam and Princeton cameras do not allow this feature, neither, due to a limitation of the firmware. Photometrics's Quantix accepts multiple sub-regions.

It clears sub-region settings, and a full frame image is acquired.

Binning factors can be set through these.

Radio buttons in this panel indicates whether mouse selection selects and modifies sub-regions or multi ROI's on the "full image" window. This selection can be reversed by pressing the shift key while using mouse on the "full image" window.

2.2.3 Multi ROI

The time course of intensity changes can be monitored on-line and off-line by defining ROIs. ROIs can be defined by dragging rectangles directly on the "seq" image window or on the "full pixel image" window. When adding a ROI by dragging a rectangle in the "full pixel image" window, the radio button must be on (or off and pressing the shift key). When "seq" image window is active, the active (blinking) ROI can be deleted using the "delete" key, or moved and altered in shape using the mouse.

For further description for handling ROI, refer to "ROI manipulation" in the Browsing data (off-line) section.

2.2.4 Each Frame

This box sets conditions for each frame of sequential images. There are three modes of sequential modes.

In case for cameras with PVCAM driver without external trigger-driven exposure settings, the frame interval is a bit longer than the set "exposure duration", since the interval is a sum of exposure duration and readout time.  Unfortunately the readout time can not be obtained from the PVCAM library, the exact interval should be read from the interval  recorded (recorded lapse time for each image frame is correct (after tiwb version 5/20/2007)).  Or an external trigger device to give an interval clock to the camera will provide exact interval as user set.  Ask the author for use of an external trigger device which needs some additional coding.

In fast read and continuous modes, a duration text box appears. In discontinuous mode, an interval text box is added.

Caution: There is no warning in the current version of the program when set duration is shorter than minimum duration. The acquisition will run at the minimum duration, and each frame will hold accurate lapse time information (which will differ from preset duration).

2.2.5 Segment

A segment is a sequence of images stored on RAM, or on disk in the "segment on disk" situation (refer to the "Data Structure" section). Frame number or duration of the sequence can be set. The frame number in the dialog box is the number of frames of F1 wavelength. The total frame number (F1 frames, F2 frame(s) and dark frame) is indicated below the F1 frame number box. If a sequence duration is set through the text box, frame number is calculated. The amount of memory required for a frame/segment is indicated. Free disk space is also indicated.

2.2.6 Filter (optical)

This panel sets the filter mode in a segment.

A sequence of images is taken in the following order: dark image, extra 1 filter image, extra 2 filter image, extra 3 filter image, body of images. The "body of images" consists of (F2 1st image, F1 images, F2 last image) or (F1-F2 alternate images).

When a filter exchanger capable of changing wave length of the light source is used, and F2 checkboxes ("alternate", "1st" and "last") are checked, tiwb prompts the user everytime when filter is needed to be changed.

2.2.7 Segments

"Segments" is a stack of "segment". Multiple of segment are stored in disk as "segments" consisting of a file. Each segment is stored and loaded to/from a segments file. File name is set by "file" button. Segment is appended to the current file (segments) unless file name is altered.

2.2.8 Take Background

Clicking on this button displays "Take Background Dialog". A background image is subtracted from images of a segment when an appropriate background image has been set to the first frame. To achieve this, background images must have been taken using this dialog prior to acquisition of images, and "1st frame dark" and "use back image as 1st frame" check boxes in filter configuration dialog must be selected.

Taken background images are also used in the "background subtraction in focusing" mode. In this case, duration (exposure time) does not have to be matched.

 Background images are always acquired in full frame. The binning factor of the background images must match to those of the target images (duration can differ, though the same duration is preferred). When several binning factors might be used during an experiment, background images with the expected binning factors should be taken before starting sequence acquisition. The different expected sets of conditions, such as binning factors, expose durations (and camera gain for series 200 cameras) must be registered prior to image acquisition. Corresponding (same location) pixels are subtracted from F1 and F2 images during background subtraction. For example, in panel A, the sub-array is a rectangle with address (1,1)-(4,3) on binned map. This map is displayed as "binned" location, that means if binning factor is set as 3x3, the actual CCD pixel address for that sub-array is (3,3)-(12,9). When subtracting the background image, each corresponding pixel (binned) is individually subtracted, allowing the change of sub-array shape during the course of an experiment (panel B). In addition, since the background image is a full frame (but binned) image of the CCD array, there is no need to re-acquire a background image after modifying the sub-array shape. When staining a cell by injecting dye through a patch pipette or microelectrode, a background image can only be taken before dye loading, and therefore the sub-array shape can not be decided at that time.


Photometrics and Princeton CCDs allow to set the sub-arrays starting from any pixel. However, if you set a sub-array starting at CCD address (2,2), and set binning 3 x 3, the sub-array can not be aligned with the background image, because background images are always acquired starting at CCD address (0,0) (see figure). To avoid this problem, the sub-array starting points (left top position) are always adjusted to the background matrix in TIWB.

take button takes background images of the selected conditions.

2.2.9 Camera Configuration

When the button indicating camera gain/speed in the "CCD online" dialog is pressed, the camera configuration dialog box is displayed.

2.2.10 autofocus

Autofocusing of microscope is available if microscope focus is controllable from tiwb. Olympus IX-81 is an example. If IX-81 equipped with a ZDC auto focus control unit, tiwb can drive ZDC to ensure hardware autofocus. Without such hardware autofocus devices, tiwb serves software autofocus functions. The software autofocus function uses the "full" image focus setting (lightsource, binning, exposure time, etc.) to determine autofocus.

2.2.11 Linking with Electrical Recording

Refer to the "Linking A/D data" section in the "Concepts" section of "Imaging".

2.2.12 exp set

Through this menu users can use store/recall protocols for seq image parameters. Inside the program, all the parameters are stored when a parameter set is made/updated. And limited number of parameters are recalled when a named parameter is selected in this "exp.set" menu. The kind of parameters to be recalled can be chosen in a dialog which is specific to each parameter set.

2.3 Browsing Data (off-line)

2.3.1 File I/O File Open / Close

Data files can be opened by "Open" in the "File" menu (shortcut: cmd+O), by double clicking the data file icons, or by drag-and-drop the data file icons over the icon of TIWB. Available data formats are listed below.

readable file formats

Images can be closed by clicking the close box at the left top corner of the window or by "Close" in File menu (shortcut: cmd+W) when the image window is active. Save as...

Since 2012.10 "Save as..." functions were moved to "Export..." menu in the "File" menu. Clipboard

Images can be copied to the Clipboard by "Copy" in Edit menu (shortcut: cmd + C). The color is the same as the displayed LUT, but the contrast, i.e. 12 bit or 16 bit data precision, is not preserved in the data exported to the Clipboard. PICT option setting affects the style of images.

To copy the LUT color belt in the Image browser, use "Copy Special" in the Edit menu.

If Copy command is evoked when the Image Browser dialog is at the front (active), a corresponding Image is copied to the Clipboard.

At "Copying", image parameters (ROI locations, contrast conditions, ratio options, etc.) are also copied into a special memory area, which can be "Pasted" onto other image data through the "Paste Special.." and "Paste Special" in the "Edit" menu. By this way, parameters of an image data can be easily transfered to other image data sets. Export to Igor

Images can be exported to Igor Pro software by selecting "Export to Igor" in "Export..." submenu in "File" menu (shortcut: cmd+E) when an image window is active. Time course plots are also exported to Igor Pro. A linked A/D (electrophysiological) sweep can be sent to Igor if the image has a linked A/D data (refer to the "linking A/D data" section in "Concepts").

This function enables easy creation of experiment summary by printing resultant Igor Layout.

Some parts of time-course plot (peak detection range, etc.) are put in a different draw layer in the Igor Graph window.  Draw Layer can be selected in Igor to crick the "Environment icon" (a tree is drawn) shown at the left part of Graph windows with pressing an option key. Export to Microsoft Excel

Images and plots can be exported to Microsoft Excel by selecting "Export to excel" in the "export" submenu of File menu. Since plots with data values are exported, format of charts in Excel can be modified. However the look of charts are not good enough for publication without manually modifications on Excel. If one need a publication-quality charts easily, "export to Igor" option is recommended. Export...

Data from the active image window can be saved as different format files using the "Export..." option in the "File" menu.

Note: Images can be directly ported to Igor Pro, ImageJ or Microsoft Excel software by export functions.

2.3.2 Image Browser Window

The "Image Browser" window is the main control panel for browsing image data on-line and off-line. In this section, the functions of this dialog box are described.

This dialog box appears when an image window is activated, and controls contrast, Look Up Table (LUT), frame transition, etc.

The side drawer part (right part in this figure) is available only in OS-X versions. This drawer is shown/hidden by pressing the "Toolbar control" button indicated in the figure. Checkboxes in this drawer part are equivalent to those in the "Image Option (global)" menu in the menu bar.

2.3.3 Image Window

2.3.4 ROI Manipulation and Time Course Plot Windows

ROI's can be added and modified by directly dragging them in the image window.

For basic concepts of time course plot, refer to the "Concepts" chapter.


Segment Plot

By default, all frames of a segment share one set of ROIs. But each frame of a segment can hold separate sets of ROIs, which is useful for tracking moving targets, which is enabled by changing a ROI by dragging with the option key pushed. Once this action has been made, a list of ROI shape information for each frame is prepared in the memory, and each frame holds each ROI shape. To know whether a segment of image holds a single set of ROI or each frame holds separate ROI set, see the "frame" panel of the "Image Browser dialog". In the "multiple ROIs" mode, "clrFrRoi" button appears. To remove "separate sets of ROIs", push this "clrFrRoi" button. To change the shape of a ROI of a particular frame, option key must be held down. Without holding down the option key, the shape of the corresponding ROI of all the frames are changed (other ROIs' shape are not altered by this action). By pressing down the option key and ctrl key, shape of the corresponding ROI of the succeeding frames (including the current ROI) are changed. In the file, this "multiple ROI" information is stored not in the header of the data packet but appended to the image data, so that if an image segment does not locate at the end of a file, and if it was not saved with the "multiple ROI" information, newly added "multiple ROI" information can not be added into the file. If a segment of image was saved with "multiple ROI" information, or if it is located at the end of a file, newly added "multiple ROI" information is stored in the file, if "save back header" option in the "image-option" menu is checked. 

When an image segment has multiple frames, the time course of intensity changes in each ROI is plotted in separate windows for raw1, raw2 and ratio values. These plots are automatically updated responding to ROI changes. "raw1" corresponds to the mean values of raw data of F1, "raw2" corresponds to those of F2 in alternate filter mode, and "ratio" corresponds to those of ratio data values. A vertical line in the plot windows indicates the current frame, which can be dragged to change the current frame. 

Background values used for subtraction (in ratio display mode) are also plotted as dotted lines in the raw plots.

 Time Course Plot Window

Plot option menu

  • Disp Range...
  • Analyze...image plot analysis

    Results of the analysis is ported to the "Log" window.

  • Event Detection: events in the time course plot are detected (see "Event Detection").

File plot

Segments of images can be plotted as "File Plot". By clicking the "FilePlot" button in the segment panel of the image browser window, the time course of the current ROI's is calculated and plotted throughout the current image file. To change the plot range, click inside the plot window and a dialog box with upper/lower limits appears.

File plot can hold a set of ROI's, background parameters, etc (called "PARAMETERS" in this paragraph). Whether using a single set of PARAMETERS for all segments or using each set of PARAMETERS of each segment can be chosen. The latter case is enabled by selecting "keep prev ROI's" and "keep previous background, ratio & [Ca] param." options in the "image-option" menu, which is useful when target is moving so that each segment should have different ROI's.

2.3.5 Image Option Menu (Global)

This menu sets general parameters for image browsing functions (parameters for each image are changed through "image option menu (Local)".

2.3.6 Image Option Menu (Local)

This menu sets "local parameters for each image", i.e., parameters inherent to each image. General parameters (e.g., save back header switch, PICT option, etc.) are changed through "image option menu (Global)".

2.3.7 Data Manipulation Analyze Data

By selecting the "Analyze..." item of the Local Image Option Menu, Analyze Dialog appears, in which statistical analysis of pixel data is done (average, deviation, rms, etc). Results are displayed in the Log Window.

  • show data id

    When checked, data id is displayed in the memo window.

  • show frame #

    When checked, frame number is displayed in the memo window.

  • common items
    • position
    • size (width, height)
    • area
    • center
  • image type specific items

    For this operation, pixel masking affects the result ("ignore pixels under display range" and "ignore masked pixels" options in the "background subtraction" dialog.

    • image type

      Select which image to be analyzed.

    • pixel N: number of pixels which are counted.
    • mean: mean of pixel values.
    • standard deviation
    • rms (root mean square)
    • regression line from pixel positions of which values in display range

      Calculate a regressed line from pixel location information; pixel values are not considered.

    • search a boundary line

      Searches a boundary line... (more explanation needed...).

  • Particle Analysis

    Particle Analysis is ...

    • Minimum number of pixels
    • Method of thresholding
      • minimum limit of image display
      • fixed value
      • small cluster
      • auto (iterative method; Igor)
      • auto (fuzzy thresholding using entropy; Igor)
      • auto (fuzzy threshold minimum "fuzziness"; Igor)
    • Show list of
      • particle area (size)
      • sum of pixel values in particles
      • particle positions (center of balance)
    • Plot along frames
      • number of particle
      • mean area of particle
      • sum of pixel value in particles
      • mean pixel value in particles Filter Functions (Digital)

Through the Analysis submenu in the Local Image Option Menu, filter functions are available. These filter functions create another Image data which can be saved as a separate data file. Original image data is not altered. "Online filter function" also provides digital filtering of image data, which also does not alter the original image data but just change the image display.

  • Spatial filters

    These filters are implemented using 3x3 spatial convolutions, where the value of each pixel in the selection is replaced with the weighted average of its 3x3 neighborhood.
    The 3x3 tables shown below are the coefficients (weighting factors) for the filters. And a gaussian 5x5  filter has been added.

    • Smooth, Gaussian and More Smooth

      Blurs (softens) the selected area. It can be used to reduce noise in an image. Hold the option key down for increased blurring.

      More Smooth
      Gaussian 5x5
      1 1 1
      1 4 1
      1 1 1
      1 2 1
      2 4 2
      1 2 1
      1 1 1
      1 1 1
      1 1 1

    • Sharpen and More Sharpen

      Increases contrast and accentuates detail in the selection, but may also accentuate noise. To minimize this problem, you can Smooth and/or Reduce Noise before using Sharpen. Hold the option key down for increased sharpening.

      More Sharpen
      -1 -1 -1
      -1 12 -1
      -1 -1 -1
      -1 -1 -1
      -1 -1 -1
    • Edge Preserving Smoothing
    • "Edge preserving smoothing" is one of the "selective local averaging" methods which enables noise reduction with less blurring edges. One area of which intensity variance is smallest is selected from surrounding nine areas shown in the right figure, of which mean intensity is assigned to the center pixel.

    • Shadow

      Produces a shadow effect, with the light appearing to come from a direction specified in a dialog box. Three of the kernels used are shown below.

      West NorthWest
    • Rank Filters:

      These filters rank (sort) the nine pixels in each 3 x 3 neighborhood and replace the center pixel with the median, minimum (lightest), or maximum (darkest) value. Use the Median filter to reduces noise. The Minimum filter erodes (shrinks) objects in gray scale images. The Maximum filter dilates (expands) objects in gray scale images.

    • Function filter

      User defined function is applied to each pixel. Use v (as intensity), x and y (as position) as variables.

  • Temporal Filters

    Consecutive images can be averaged together or multiple images in a stack (as segments) can be processed as a image stack. This feature is used in conjunction with the spatial filter functions.

    • Average with following xx frames

      Use 0 not to average frames.

    • "multiple frames from the current frame" check box

      Multiple frames are processed starting from the current frame.

    • "all frames" check box

      All frames in the stack (segment) are processed. 3D Display

By selecting "3D View..." items in the local option menu, dialog boxes for 3D display appear. In 3D image windows, the 3D images can be rotated by just dragging in on the 3D images. Altering zooming factor etc. can also be done through changing values in the "drawer window" attached to the 3D image windows. 3D image can be copied by the "Copy" menu (cmd + C).

  • 3D Movie

    Sequence of 3D image motion can be recorded as a movie through the "create movie..." button in the drawer window attached to the 3D image window or just dragging mouse with control key pressed. The former way creates "dense" in time movies. The latter creates any motion of 3D image reflecting the mouse motion, which is easy by results in rather "sparse" in time.

  • 3D View of a 2D image...

    Pixel intensity is converted to z-value to create a 3D image. "Overlaied image" may be displayed together if any.

    • area

      If an ROI is active (selected), area where converted to a 3D image can be chosen from the active ROI or the whole frame.

    • smoothing factor

      In case of large size images, calculation takes huge time. With these x and y factors more than one, (x x y) pixels are averaged to make a rough image, then 3D image is calculated. This makes faster but rougher display.

    • wireframe

      If this is checked, 3D image is displayed as a wireframe instead of rendered image. This is much faster and requres much less memory.

    • z gain

      Gain for Z axis. Z axis is determined by the pixel value * z-gain.

    • cut off subthreshold

      When it is on, pixels of which values are lower than the lowest display value are cut off, displayed as the same Z value as the lowest display value.

    • cut off suprathreshold

      When it is on, pixels of which values are higher than the highest display value are cut off, displayed as the same Z value as the highest display value.

  • 3D View of Z reconstruction 

    Surface of a cluster of pixels in 3D image data are extracted and 3D structures are reconstructed. Stack image files created with Olympus fluoview (XYZ image) is applicable for this mode. Currently, the largest lump of pixels is extracted and other smaller ones are removed. Each extracted particles are colored differently. Each particle can be shown/hidden through the check boxes listed in the drawer window.

    • threshold: 

      pixels of intensity higher than this value are picked up.

    • area, smoothing factor and wireframe

      refer to the "3D View of a 2D image" section above.

    • extract largest X particles

      only larger particles (clusters) are picked up.

    • min pixel N for a particle

      Particles (clusters) consist of pixels smaller than this number are not picked up.

    • show Z axis

      display axis indicator

  • 3D View of shining dot

    Pixels of z-stacked image is displayed in a 3D space, which can be rotated by clicking and dragging mouse. With pressing control-key, sequence of rotation is recorded to a movie.

  • 3D View of Time Stack

    Time lapse image frames are stacked to create a 3D image. Clusters composed of pixels above the threshold value are reconstructed in the 3D space.

  • 3D View of Image stack

    Selected images are stacked in a 3D space.

  • 3D View in Igor

    2D image data displayed is exported to Igor and 3D view of it is created in Igor.

  • PSF (point spread function) fitting
    • Fits a dot image in 3D space to 3D gaussian distribution.  ROIs should be set around dots.  Fitting is done in each ROI.  Range of Z stack is asked.  When pixel size and/or z slice distance are set, fitting result will use those scales.
    • g(x,y,z) = A exp(-(x^2 + y^2)/2/∑Rho^2 - z^2 / 2 / ∑Z^2) + offset
  • Create a Z-compressed image
  • Particle analysis 3D
  • Deconvolution 3D using a PSF image...
  • Deconvolution 3D...
    • Maximum-likelihood deconvolution method cited in the paper: J.B. Sibarita, Deconvolution microscopy, Adv. Biochem. Engin./Biotechnology (2005) 95: 201-243, implemented in the Clarity Deconvolution Library. particle tracking

Particle movements are tracked and analyzed.  Particles are displayed in a 3D view.

For QDot tracker, refer to Bannnai et al, "Synaptic function and neuropathological disease revealed by quantum dot-single-particle tracking" in "Single Moecule Microscopy", Neuromethods vol. 154, doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-0532-5_7, Line Compression

Compress frames to a stack of lines. This function can be accessed through the Image Local Option menu.

2.4 QuickTime Video Digitizer

When a Macintosh has QuickTime-compatible video digitizer capability (e.g. AV-type Macintosh Quadra 840AV, PowerMac 7500/7600/8500), a live video image can be displayed as an image window. If this program detects the video digitizer function in the Macintosh, it adds the "live video" item to the window menu. By selecting the "live video" item in the window menu, a live video window appears. Live video is displayed when "animate" check box in the image browser dialog is checked and live video window is activated (selected). To stop monitoring live video, de-activate video window (click other parts of the screen). By clicking inside the live video window, you can change video digitizer properties. To save images taken through this function, select "Save as.." in the file menu with this image window active.