to Table of Contents
1. General
1.1 What is it?
This software is aimed to record optical data and
data simultaneously for physiological experiments. Of course,
optical recording (usually a CCD camera is used) or
recording can be performed separately. On-line acquisition and
off-line analysis can be performed on this single application.
Off-line analysis is also capable on data files produced by some
kinds of other acquisition software. Off-line analysis can be
performed in combination with other applications (e.g., Igor Pro, ImageJ or Exel) by automatic data transfer mechanisms.
1.2 What you need.
1.2.1 Hardware
- Computer
TI Workbench (TIWB) works on Intel Macs running OS X 10.6 or later.
- Slave Windows PC
Some cameras and I/O interfaces connected to a Windows PC can be
used by TI Workbench through network connection. Or Windows running in a
virtual environment
on the host Mac can be used for this purpose. By this way, devices which
are not supported for Mac can be used by TI Workbench running on a Mac.
Notes to use a Windows PC as a device driver.
- Ask the author of TIWB to compile a version of TIWB for this purpose.
The computer name of Windows PC, which is displayed through the
"system property" of the "Control Panel" of the Windows PC, is useful.
- Firewall of the windows PC must be turned off.
- In case for Windows PC running in VirtualBox on the host Mac:
- In the network setting of VirtualBox choose "host only adapter".
The default network configuration in VirtualBox may be "NAT" or
"Bridge", which enable connecting the guest OS to the real Internet. So
the tiwb on the host Mac and the winslave program on the virtual Windows
communicate each other through a real Internet connection. If the real
internet outside the host Mac is busy, the communication between the
guest windows and mac is also slowed. With the “Host only adapter”
option, the network connection is closed within the host Mac.
To enable the "Host only adapter", a host network adapter must be
created in a window which is opened via the "File"menu of VirtualBox
menu -> "Host network manager".
The computer name should appear in the host
Mac’s network PC list. If not, run the "command prompt" program of
Windows, type "ipconfig" and return, then read the IPv4 address (four
digits separated by dots).
- If the target device is connected through USB, connect the
device to the host Mac, and register the device in the Port setting of
VirtualBox. Select the USB tab, activate the “activate USB controller”
check box, and add a device filter for the device.
- Install a device driver software for the device in the Windows PC, if necessary.
- Copy a “winslave.exe" file provided by the author to the Windows PC and run it.
"winslave.exe" must be compiled for each device.
- A console window (black background) should appear. IP addresses of the Windows PC are shown.
- Run TIWB on the host Mac. If an IP address is asked to input,
enter the IP address shown in the console window in the Windows PC.
- The console window of “winslave.exe” should respond and some lines of text will be added.
- Camera
More than a single type of camera can be used at the same time.
For example, a video-rate CCD camera is used for real-time monitoring,
and another scientific-grade digital CCD is used for fast time-lapse
image acquisition.
- Hamamatsu Photonics cameras
- with Phoenix frame grabber (DataCell).
- with Snapper DIG16 frame grabber (DataCell).
- ORCA-ERG connected through FireWire: OS-X.
- ORCA-R2 and IMagEM are supported.
Firewire cameras with DCAM are supported on OS X 10.6-10.11. Cameras with USB interface can be used with VirtualBox and
Windows (see above "Slave Windows PC"). And also Cameras connected to a real Windows PC can be also
used with TIWB running on a Mac with Ethernet connection. ORCA Flash has been tested.
- QImaging QCam cameras
Although the QImaging states that the final QCam Mac Driver 2.0.10 works on OS X 10.6 - 10.11.
- QImaging cameras with PVCAM
- Although newer cameras from QImaging works only with PVCAM on Windows,
cameras with USB interface can be used with VirtualBox and Windows. And
also Cameras connected to a real Windows PC can be also used with TIWB
running on a Mac with Ethernet connection. QImaging Retiga ELECTRO has been confirmed to work by this way (see above "Slave Windows PC").
- AVT Prosilica cameras (giga-bit Ether and Firewire)
- When a giga-bit camera is used, follow below:
- A route for may need to be added to point to the
adapter on which the camera will be plugged (or to the switch on which
the camera will be). This can be done with the following command:
> sudo route -n add
where is the IP (self-assigned or assigned by you) of the adapter.
- If a second Ethernet port of a host Mac is used exclusively with
an Ethernet-connected camera, the setting of the port in the network
config panel is..
IP address:
subnet mask:
router: leave empty
DNS server: leave empty
- Firewire cameras supported by libDC1394
- Photometrics (Roper) cooled CCD cameras driven by PVCAM
library (32 bit only, OS X 10.5 - 10.13).
- Scion Firewire cameras (the company has gone)
- A/D, D/A card
- Instrutech ITC-16 and ITC-18 (Nubus, PCI bus or USB) [web site]
Latest ITC driver works with 64 bit TIWB.
ITC-16 and ITC-18 connected to a real Windows PC can be also used
with TIWB running on a Mac with Ethernet connection. It is useful for
ITC devices of PCI connection.
- National Instruments
- NI PCIe-6259 and PCIe-6363: for Mac Pro. a special device driver ("Speedy") is necessary.
- NI USB-6211:
- Connect pin 1 (PFI0) and pin 6 (P1.0). It is necessary to synchronize AD and DA.
- Use NIDAQmxbase 3.7 for OS X 10.7 and 10.8. (TIWB crashes with NIDAQmxbase 3.6).
NI devices connected to a real Windows PC can be also used with TIWB running on a Mac with Ethernet connection (see above "Slave Windows PC").
- Filter exchanger / Shutter
- Olympus OXP-EXA with Service USB control
- Sutter Lambda 10-2 and DG-4 through serial
connection. [web site]
- TILL Polychrome monochromator with analog voltage
control or serial port control.
- Mac2000/5000
(Ludl) through serial control.
- Uniblitz shutter connected through a serial port of a
Macintosh or through TTL I/O.
- Microscope control
- Olympus IX81 microscope can be controlled through a serial port (IX2-UCB-2 control box)
supported devices:
- Auto focus control unit (IX81-ZDC)
- Motor driven mirror unit cassete (IX2-RFACA)
- Disk Confocal Unit (IX2-DSU) (control of
insert/remove of the confocal disk)
- PI piezo Z-Drive is supported for z-sectioning.
- Wiring
- Serial port communication on no-serial port Macintosh.
Number of peripheral devices are controlled through the
serial port. Keyspan's
serial-USB adapter can be used to connect serial ports of devices and a
USB port of a Macintosh.
- TILL Polychrome monochromator
- Control through serial port
Serial port is optional for Polychrome-II/IV. Connect the
first port of the serial ports of Macintosh (try the other port in case
for no response) and serial port of Polychrome. Use a cross cable.
Calibration of Polychrome is needed at the first time through the
"config" dialog which can be activated by pressing the "config" button
at the rigth top corner of the "CCD online" window.
- Control through Master-8
Connect Master-8 and Mac with serial cable. A
Keyspan USB-serial adaptor is also necessary on the Mac side. On
the Master-8 side a DB25 connector is necessary. If you make a
serial cable, refer to the Master-8 manual for wiring. Connect
the "4+5" BNC to the TILL analog input port. Turn off the "=>"
switch and turn on the "<=" switche on the Master-8 panel. Set
analog voltage
for dark to channel 4 of Master-8, F1 to channel 5, F2 to channel 6,
Ext1 to channel 7, and Ext2 to channel 8 by adjusting the thum turn
dials and the +/- switches on the
Master-8 panel. If a CCD exposure trigger is further given from
Master-8, use channel 2 of Master-8 for the trigger signal.
- LabJack
LabJack U3 can be used
for controlling Master-8. An x2 amplifier is necessary to expand
the analog voltage from LabJack.
- Control through electrophysiology stimulator
(ITC-16, ITC-18, etc.)
Connect one of output ports to TILL Polychrome analog
command input, and set D/A port number in the filter configuration
dialog. In this way control and recording of electrophysiology is not
independent of timing control of Polychrome.
This connection only applies for frame-transfer type
cameras. This combination enables alternate filter mode in the fast
continuous mode as well as the "negative
delay" function. In addition to the required connections for
(Polychrome-PCI-1200) and (camera-PCI-1200) described above, connect
OUTB1 (pin 43) and EXTUPDATE (pin 39) of PCI-1200.
- Princeton MicroMax series and ITC-18
If "Start ITC-18 by
READY trigger from MicroMax" option is used, connect "READY" out of
MicroMax control box and external trigger input of ITC-18.
- Sutter Lambda10-2
filter/shutter controller
A special serial cable is necessary. Here is a connector
assignment. An additional Uniblitz shutter can be used by serial
connection through another port. See below for cable configuration for
Uniblitz shutter. Port can be selected in the "filter configuration dialog"
- Sutter DG-4 filter exchanger
The same type of a serial cable as is used for Sutter
Lambda10-2 is needed.
- Mac2000/5000 filter/shutter
Use a Keyspan USB-serial adaptor to connect the serial port
of Mac2000/5000.
- Vincent Uniblitz shutter
connected to a serial port of a Macintosh
A serial cable is necessary to connect Uniblitz shutter
controller with a Macintosh. Here
is a connector assignment diagram. Port can be chosen in the "filter configuration dialog"
- 32 or 64 bit mode.
TI Workbench is supplied as a 32 bit or 64 bit modes according to the combined hardware drivers.
Some Mac computers boots with the 64-bit kernel mode in OS-X
by default. When TI Workbench works with devices, of which device
drivers only work in 32-bit mode, it is necessary to
boot in the 32-bit kernel mode by pressing '3' and '2' at booting and
install device drivers and run TI Workbench. There is another way
to change the default booting kernel.
has gone. "sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture x86_64" or "sudo
systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture i386" in the terminal
application works.
- Igor Pro
TI Workbench has been intended to make use of Igor Pro software
as a final data presentation tool. Electrical and optical data can be
exported to Igor Pro. Users are strongly recommended to use Igor Pro
ver. 2.0 or later with TI Workbench. Demo version of Igor Pro can be
downloaded from WaveMetrics web
- ITC-16 and ITC-18 (Instrutech)
- device drivers have to be installed.
- Hamamatsu DCAM cameras (ORCA-ER, ORCA-R2, ImagEM...)
A DCAM driver must be installed.
- Photometrics CCDs (Quantix, CoolSnap, Cascade, etc.)
Install the PVCAM driver for OS-X according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
- National Instruments A/D, D/A card
Some types work with TIWB.
1.3 Menu Bar
1.3.1 Apple Menu
Program version, user identification,
and hardware configuration are displayed by "about dialog".
1.3.2 File Menu
- New
- Open (shortcut: cmd+O)
Readable files are listed. In the file select dialog, when a
TIWB format file is selected, packet is listed in the dialog with
comments. Packets can be chosen directly by selecting packets and press
"Open" button or double-clicking.
- Close (shortcut: cmd+W)
If the active window is disposable, it is closed.
- Save as...
Save to another file as TIWB format from a TIWB format file
(image & electrophysiological data)
Data segments to be saved can be chosen with a dialog. This
function enables removing unnecessary data segments from a file
(actually, making another copy of data file containing only necessary
data segments).
For image data, refer to "Save as"
- Duplicate
Duplicates an active image or A/D sweep window. This operation
is equivalent to opening the same data file twice.
- Import from Igor
If Igor Pro holds valid waves, this program imports one of them
as A/D data. Refer to "Import
Igor" section in "Electrophysiology.
- Export... submenu
This item is used for saving data in the active window into a
variety of format files or directly export data to other application
programs. Exporting a text file of time course plot or Excel format files are supported.
- Page Setup...
Configures printer setting. This setting is applied to any
printing functions in this program. If there is spooled A/D data, the
user is asked to print or dispose it.
- Print (shortcut: cmd+P)
Print contents in an active window. Image window and A/D sweep
window use their own printing switches instead of this menu item.
- Update Preference file
Update preference file (either in default preference folder, or
user-specific preference file) is updated by the current parameters.
Refer to the next section for the detail of the "preference file".
- Save Preference as...
Preferences (e.g., image options, A/D options, CCD acquisition
setting, stimulator setting, etc.) are saved as a preference file,
which can be retrieved just by opening it (double clicking, through Open
in this menu, or drag'n drop it to this program's icon). Parameters for
on-line items (CCD setting, stimulator setting, etc.) are only
retrieved if a preference file is opened at start-up time of this
application, i.e., this application is started by dropping a preference
file onto the application icon, or double clicking a preference file.
Otherwise, preferences stored in the default preference file ("TI
Workbench.pref") located in "preferences" folder in the system
folder are retrieved, which was saved automatically at the exit time of
the last session.
Once a user starts the program with a user-specific preference
file, all the settings and parameters are stored back into the
user-specific file used at start-up instead of the default preference
file. So users can have different setting files for different
experiments. The rule is following.
If tiwb is started with a preference file (by dropping a
preference file onto tiwb icon or double-clicking a preference file
icon), all the settings and parameters are stored back into the same
preference file. The default preference file ("System
folder"->"preferences"->"TI Workbench.pref") is not altered.
Tiwb refuses to be started with more than one preference files.
After starting tiwb, preference files can be opened by double
clicking or droppiing their icons onto tiwb's icon to change (not all
of) settings and parameters of the program. But, settings and
parameters are stored back not to parameter files opend during
execution but to the preference file read at starting time.
* If a National Instruments NI-DAQMXbase driver is used, this
"drag'n dropping preference file scheme" to use different parameter
files can not be used.
- Quit (shortcut: cmd+Q)
Quits this program.
1.3.3 Edit Menu
- Undo (shortcut: cmd+Z)
- Redo (shortcut: cmd+shift+Z)
- Cut (shortcut: cmd+X)
- Copy (shortcut: cmd+C)
Copies data in the active window. Data can be in text or PICT
format. For Image windows, this "Copy" operation not only copies a PICT
image into clipboard which can be pasted in other applications but also
copies several properties of the image into internal buffer which can
then transfered to other image windows through "Paste Special"
operation. This "copied properties" is held in the preference file,
which can be recalled in the next program start-up time. Text data can
also be drag'n dropped to other applications.
- Copy Special (shortcut: cmd+shift+C)
For image window, copying LUT (color look up table) into
clipboard as a PICT image is possible through this menu.
- Paste (shortcut: cmd+V)
- Paste special... and Paste special (shortcut:cmd+shift+V)
For image windows, these paste (transfer) some of the properties
recorded by the "Copy" operation. "Paste special..." asks items
to be pasted by displaying a dialog. "Paste special" pastes items
selected previously through "Paste special...".
- Clear
- Select All (shortcut: cmd+A)
- Note (shortcut: cmd+M)
This command sends text information of the active data Window to
the "Note" text window.
- Note Format...
Format (tab, comma) and kind of information to be exported to
the Note window can be chosen.
- PICT Format...
Set format when contents of a Window is exported as a PICT data.
This option is dependent to the type of the active window. This option
affects the results of "Copy", "Layout", "Print" and some other cases
(e.g., movie contents of image data through the "Save as..." menu). For
PICT format of image data, refer to "PICT Format..." in the imaging
1.3.4 Layout Menu
The Layout Window is explained in "Layout
Window" section in "Miscellaneous".
- Append
This command sends a PICT image of the active window to the
Layout Window.
- Zoom
Changes the zoom factor of the Layout window. This does not
change the actual size of the layout on print, but just changes the
displayed size.
- to Front
Sends selected items in the Layout Window to the front.
- to Back
Sends selected items in the Layout Window to the back.
- align Left
- align Right
- align Top
- align Bottom
These commands align selected items in the Layout Window.
- Horiz. regular interval
- Vert.regular interval
These commands arrange the interval of the selected items in the
Layout Window.
- options...
Sets options for the Layout Window.
- Text Input (cmd + T)
Put text in the layout.
1.3.5 Window Menu
Windows can be called back to the front using this menu.
1.3.6 Misc-Option Menu
- Warn on closing Log Window
When closing the Log Window (pressing go away box in the window
title, or quitting the application), an alert appears when this item is
- Speech Recognition
When Speech
Recognition manager (a part of Mac OS) is installed, some of the
functions can be ordered by voice. For detail refer here.
1.3.7 other Option Menus
Other options can be set through "ad-option"
or "image-option"
menu which appear on the Menu Bar when an A/D window or an image
window is active.
1.4 Miscellaneous
1.4.1 Copy Protection
This program is protected from illegal copy by a copy protection
mechanism. Only registered Macs can perform on-line acquisition.
On non-registered Macs, file browsing (i.e., other than
acquiring through a CCD camera or an A/D card) can be done. To
know whether a Mac is registered or not, check the "about
Dialog" from the Apple Menu.
1.4.2 slide text edit
Some text input fields
in this application have an expanded function, "slide text
edit". This allows modifying the value displayed in a text field
box by sliding the mouse up and down. The cursor shape changes
to an up-down arrow within a slide text edit box, which can be
used for identifying a slide text edit box from ordinary text boxes.
When cursor shape changes to this (with a dot), alternative resolution
can be chosen with the right mouse button (or mouse button with control
slide text box has its own preset behavior parameters which determines
the number should be integer or floating point, minimum / maximum
values, increasing value, etc. This preset behavior can be changed by
selecting the "SlideTextEdit change parameters..." menu item in the contextual menu, which is displayed by right-clicking or clicking with control key pressed the slide text box.
1.4.3 drag and drop operation
Drag and Drop operation is available by fetching the "Proxy Icon" in
the window title (see figure) to Drag and Drop the PICT or TEXT
to other applications (Igor does not accept Drag and Drop, though).
Most of the editable text including the "Note" window
can be drag'n dropped to other applications.
Drag'n drop the Proxy Icon of an Image window to another Image
window results in overlaying the
dropped image onto the destination Image window.
Drag'n drop onto Finder window or Desktop will create a PDF file.
1.4.4 file open
Data files can be opened by selecting "Open"
in the File Menu of the Menu Bar, or by drag-and-drop data files
over this application's icon. Data files created by this application
can also be opened by double clicking them.
1.4.5 Log Window
Log window can be used as a notepad to input text using the
keyboard. Information can also be sent to this window from image
windows or electrophysiological data windows by selecting "Memo"
in Edit menu (short cut: cmd + M) as text which can be
copied and pasted to other applications. When this window is selected
(active), text in this window can be saved to a text file by selecting
"Save" and "Save As..." in the
File Menu. Once the contents of the Note window is saved to a
file, "Save" operation overwrites previously written
file without warning overwrite. Saved file can be changed by selecting
"Save As...".
Contents of the "Note" window" is also automatically
stored in the current preference file (periodically saved). The
contents is not erased by closing the window. At the moment, the
contents must be manually erased (select all (cmd+A), then press
delete key). The physical limit of the text length is 2 Mbytes
(when exceeds, alert appears).
1.4.6 Layout window
The Layout windows are "paper sheet" where images
and text can be placed and arranged.
- Image data can be placed in the Layout Window
by using the "Copy" and "Paste"
commands in the "Edit" menu (short cuts: cmd+C
and cmd+V), or by selecting "append" in
the "Layout" menu. The background of the Layout window
shows the printable area at the current printer settings which
is independent of the zoom factor selected for the Layout Window.
- Text can be placed and edited by double-clicking in the Layout window.
- Data on the Layout window can be copied to the clipboard and
pasted to other application (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Claris Draw).
PICT data from other applications can be pasted from the clipboard
into the TIWB Layout Window by "Paste" in the
"Edit" menu (short cut: cmd+V).
- Many window types in tiwb support direct "drag and dropping" data transfer to the Layout window.
- External files in local Mac or files pointed by URL in the network
can be also "drag and dropped" to layout windows. The original file is
stored and indicated by a file name text.
- By double cricking this link, the stored file is opened. When the stored file
includes image, image is appeared in the layout window.
- When an option key
is pressed on drag'n drop, a link to the file is inserted to
the layout window, which can be opened by double clicking the file
image or file name text.
- When a HTML file is dropped from local disk or web browser, the
content of web page is archived in the webArchive format which is stored
in the Layout file data. If an option key is pressed during dropping a
HTML file, the web page image is stored as an image, not a webArchive
format, and URL is recorded.
- External file linkage and tiwb data linkage explained above are
"loose link". Tiwb searches for the same file name in the same folder of
the Layout file, then searches in the parent folder, child folders and
child folders of the parent folder.
- Simple drawings (line, arrow, rectangle and circle) are placed from
contextual menu (right click or click with control key in the window).
- Items in the Layout window can be selected by clicking. Several
items can be selected by clicking with the shift key pressed.
All items can be selected by "select all" in
the "Edit" menu (short cut: cmd+A).
- "Collection" toolbar button opens a "collection" layout window, of
which content is preserved over launching and quitting cycle. This
window can be used to store frequently used elements (texts, arrows,
- Selected items can be moved by dragging with mouse.
- Selected items can be resized by dragging at the corners with
- Selected items can be removed from the Layout Window selecting
"Cut" in the "Edit" menu (short cut:
cmd+X) or by pressing the delete key.
- A selected item is expanded in a large window by pressing space key,
which is hidden by pressing space key again, or pressing the "close"
button of the popup window.
- The Layout Window can be printed by "Print"
in the "File" menu (short cut: cmd + p).
- The Layout Window can be saved as a Layout format file by "Save
as..." in the "File" menu .
Note: When multiple frames are sent to Layout Window, frames
to be placed out of the window edge is wrapped and placed to a
lower row. Thus, when the Layout Window width is narrow, number
of frames in a column of frames is small.
1.4.7 Labnote window
The Labnote function was added to TIWB to realize an electronic
laboratory note system, based on the "Layout" function (see above). The
Labnote window/file holds the following functions in addition to the
functions of Layout window/file described above.
- The file format of Labnote differs from that of layout. Layout can
be converted to Labnote format by saving as Labnote format, but Labnote
format file cannot be saved as "Layout" format file. Instead all the
elements in a Labnote file should be copied and pasted to a new Layout
- Labnote format files are automatically saved every two minutes whenever changes have been added.
- Every element (text, image, drawings, etc.) in a Labnote window
(file) holds time stamp. And each element is no longer be modified or
deleted two weeks after addition to Labnote window/file. Still new
elements can be added to Labnote window/files anytime.
- Whenever a labnote file is saved, a PDF format file is also
created/renewed of the same name of the labnote file in the same folder.
This assures that the content of labnote can be read in the future.
- Labnote window holds a directory side view. Upper part of side
view shows directory structure and Labnote files, and Lower part of side
view shows content of a folder selected in the upper part.
1.4.8 Online Help / Manual
Online Manual is available for many dialogs and through the "Manual" menu in the menu bar or pressing "help button"
('?') in dialogs.
OS-9 only: Balloon Help is available in some menus and
dialogs in OS 9 or earlier versions of Mac OS.
1.4.9 AppleScript support
AppleScript example:
- example 1
on open droppedItem
tell application "TIWorkbench"
repeat with obj in droppedItem
open obj
export image 1 as tiff tiff format gray 8
close image 1
end repeat
end tell
end open |
If this AppleScript is saved as an executable file, dragging and
dropping image files will produce 8 bit gray TIFF format files.
- example 2
on open droppedItem
tell application "TIWorkbench"
repeat with obj in droppedItem
open obj
export image 1 as movie codec H264 quality normal speed 100
close image 1
end repeat
end tell
end open |
If this AppleScript is saved as an executable file, dragging and
dropping image files will produce QuickTime movies for every segment of
a file with parameters H264 codec, normal quality and 100x speed.
- commands:
- exportTIFF
- direct object: format
- "hyperstack" (default, "ImageJ-Hyperstack", temporal
frames, zstack and channels are put into a single Tiff, ImageJ/Fiji
readable), "native", "RGB8"(default), "native", "gray8", "index8",
"gray16", "RGB16"
- example
- expoertTIFF; exportTIFF gray8
- exportQTmovie
- exportText
- direct object: target plot
"raw1", "raw2", "raw3", "raw4", "ratio", "ratioF2",
"ratioF3", "atioF4", "ratioF3F4"
- parameters
- example
exportText ratio with all segment
exportText raw1
- zoom
- selectPlot
- magnification
- direct object: magnification factor (percent, integer)
- example
magnification 200
this command set to 200% magnification of an image
- ZCompress
Use Script Editor for scripting detail of TIWorkbench, also.
1.4.10 Optional Key operations
In Image Windows
- shift key: to measure
length / angle
- F1 key to measure
movement of a particle through a stack of images.
- command key: drag the current image and drop onto another window or applications.
- option key and ctrl key:
to alter ROI position in each frame in a segment.
- left and right arrow keys
- without mofier keys: to move back/next image frame
- with shift key: change the active ROI instead of current frame
- with 'caps lock' key: track particle operation
- command key + right arrow key: start/stop fast animation.
1.4.11 Voice recognition
Some of the operations can be achieved by voice if a microphone
is set (and Speech
Recognition Manager is installed for OS-9). This feature
can be turned on/off through the "Misc-Option
menu" in the menu bar.
Voice commands |
Functions |
"Ok" and "Cancel" |
Ok and Cancel in movable modal
dialogs (i.e., dialogs you can drag) |
Open |
File -> open or choose a
file in file selection |
Animate |
animate of a image window (effective
in image window, plot window and image browser). |
Close |
close an active image window |
Browser |
select image browser |
Oscillo Panel |
select oscillo panel |
Stimulator |
select the stimulator dialog |
Igor |
send the active data set to
igor (File->Export->Igor) |
"Up" and "Down" |
change focusing image area
during focusing |
"Focus" and "Stop" |
start and stop focusing |
"Run" and "Hold" |
start (free run) and stop A/D
recording |
"Next" and "Back" |
advance and back a frame of an
image segment |
During sequential recording of images, voice recognition is
turned off. And during A/D recordings, voice recognition except
for "Stop" is
turned off.
1.4.12 Terminology
Some words are defined to clarify meaning in the program.
The "Interleave" value determines number of segments to be skipped
in the imaging session. "Interleave" can be set in two locations in the
program, namely in the "link with
oscillo" dialog and in the Segments section of the "ccd on line"
dialog, allowing every (N+1)-th segment to be exposed and saved,
respectively. Default value for interleave is zero, meaning that every
imaging segment is being exposed and acquired.
"Interval" is the time between the start of one segment and the
beginning of the next one, including the duration of the segment proper.
1.4.13 Citation
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