Development history of TI Workbench
- Numerous image formats, including Leica LOF and LIF formats, are read thanks to Bio-Formats.
- OME-TIFF format is readable.
movie file can be embedded in Layout/Labnote.
- OIR format (Olymus FV-3000) can be read.
- Images embeded in MS Office files (.docx, .pptx, xlsx) can be directly opened.
- Analysis of segments detected by watershed segmentation is now enabled. And numerous changes and bug fixes since 2018.
- Digital filters were implemented in the electrophysiology data analysis.
- Labnote was added as an additional functionality to Layout.
- The Note window was renamed as "Log" window.
- Axon .abf file format export was added.
- Event detection function for time course plots of image data was
partially working. It was not available for ratio data. Now
it is fully working for ratio data as well as raw data plots.
- The off-line version is now running under 64 bit mode. Carbon
codes were replaced with Cocoa codes. For on-line version Carbon
to Cocoa transition depends on the compatibilities with device drivers.
- With the 64 bit version, large file handling has much less troublesome.
- A/D data is stored as compressed format. A/D data saved with
TIWB versions from this date can not be read with older versions.
Newer TIWB versions can read old data formats.
- The "Save As..." function for image data was moved to "Export..." in the "Export" menu.
- Olympus FV-1000 binary format files ("*.oif") are read in addition to the ".oib" file.
- A fatal bug was fixed which caused unstability in the slope detection function in electrophysiology.
- A/D conversion ratio of ITC-16 was changed from (1000 mV / 3000)
to (1024 mV / 32768). Accordingly converted voltage is 1.067
times larger than before. This new conversion rate is
correct. A/D data taken with ITC-16 in older version of tiwb than
this version will be displayed correctly (1.067 times larger) in this
version. ITC-18 has been used this (1024 mV / 32768) conversion
rate in previous versions.
- Drag'n Dropping the proxy icon onto Finder window or desktop
creates a PDF file instead of a clipping file.
- A bug was fixed which prevent update data header in file in PPC
Macs. This bug has been existed since tiwb was conformed to Intel
- movie files can be read. .mov, .wmv, .mp4, .aif format files are
- export to a PDF file is added to the OS-X version. PDF format is
also added to the Clipboard when data window is "copied".
- Real-time pixel intensity histogram is added to the Image Browser Window.
- Olympus FV-1000 binary format files ("*.oib") are read. This
feature is available with a special version of TI Workbench and
installation of the "libgsf" library package.
- AppleScript support (starting from very small portion of the
- Prairie View Tiff format image stack is now readable.
- In addition to the "Link and overlay" dialog, image overlay can also be done by
drag and dropping the Proxy Icon of an image window onto a destination
image window.
- TIWB is now configured as universal binary and runs much faster
on Intel Macs.
- Hamamatsu DCAM cameras and Photometrics PVCAM cameras can be used
with Intel Macs.
- PVCAM-handling routines were reviewed. Some bugs, which had
been arose from the transients of PVCAM from ver. 1.x to 2.6 or higher,
were fixed. Fast-continuous mode now uses the "circular buffer"
mode of PVCAM when available, so that longer continuous acquisition is
possible. TIWB is now compatible with the QuanTEM line cameras.
- There had been a serious bug in tiwb which adds unnecessary data
(~1kbyte) to opened data files. Affected are from August to 11/4/05
versions. The latest version (11/15/05) fixed this. Even if a data file
had been added such junk data fragments, this version ignore them, and
the original data part are not modified at all. This bug had been
introduced when tiwb was adapted to file size more than 1 Gbyte.
- In bleaching correction,
along each pixel or fit using sum of all
- "Ratio-Intensity" display mode
was added.
- Contents of the "Note" window"
is saved automatically in the current preference file (periodically
saved). The contents is not erased by closing the window. At the
moment, the contents must be manually erased (select all (cmd+A), then
press delete key).
- MetaMorph format (STK) files can be read (not complete though).
- Scroll wheel of mouse can be used in slide text edit.
- AppleScript-compatible. Many functions can be made
AppleScript-compatible now. Request the author which functions should
be AppleScript-compatible.
- Long file name (> 32 chars) is allowed.
- Scion Firewire cameras are supported for OS-X.
- Auto focus module for Olympus IX microscope (IX81-ZDC) can be
used for auto focusing.
- QCam CCD devices by Quantitative Imaging Corp is supported for
- Disk Scan Confocal system (DSU) by Olympus is supported.
- The print function of electrophysiological data has been
consolidated into the "Layout" window. Format of A/D data in Layout can
be set through the "PICT format..." menu in the "Edit" menu. A/D data
can also be Copied and pasted to other applications.
- Electrophysiology: In OS-X versions, multiple wave display and
averaging method was changed, which can be achieved through drag'n drop
data items onto other items in the drawer. Refer to the manual.
- Electrophysiology: Experiment parameter set handling was renewed
in the "Oscillo Panel"
- Electrophysiology: The user defined
constants (x, y, z) can now be set as arrays of numbers.
- Jaggy looking in rotated
images has been dismissed by changing the rotation algorythm to use
- "Display linked AD sweep" menu was moved to "global plot
parameters" dialog which can be selected through the option menu tag at
the right-top corner of each time-course plot window.
- Short cut key (cmd + right arrow key) to start/stop fast animation was
- "Update Preference file" was added to the File menu.
- Darg and Drop operation is
available with the "Proxy Icon" in the window title to Drag and drop
the PICT or TEXT information to other applications (Igor does not
accept Drag and Drop, though).
- Most of the editable text information including the "Note" window
can be drag'n dropped to other applications without copy and pasting.
- "stack surface" 3D modeling function was added to the "3D display" function. Since this
function is primitive, I welcome opinons of the users.
- A bug in image rotate
was fixed, which had prevented proper image rotation by mouse drag.
- A bug was fixed in electrophysiology A/D recording in OS-X
version which intermixed A/D channels.
- QuickTime movie files
made through the "save as" menu were not readable in Windows
environment (Quicktime Player or Power Point), because quick time data
was stored in the resource fork of movie files. From this version,
quick time data is stored in data fork, which is readable in Windows
environment. Movie files generated older versions of tiwb can be read
in Windows environment by read and save as another file with "QuickTime
Pro" player running on Macintosh OS.
- Many parts of thesource code were revised. Accordingly, response
and performance were greatly improved.
- Different exposure time can be set to F2 and extra-1 wave length
in discontinuous seq mode and taking a single frame pair mode.
- image file format description was added, though not
- "exp set" menu was
added to the "CCD online" dialog.
- The behavior of pressing the zooming button of image windows was
- Number of ROIs in an image is limitless (has been 20). However,
location and shape of first 20 ROIs are recorded in data header or
separage parameter files.
- rand() function is added to the stimulator
description formula.
- Interval
for free run or train run of Oscillo panel accepts formula. Together
with the rand() function introduced this time, random interval
stimulation is available.
- Magenta was added to the color look up table (LUT). Use of
Magenta instead of Red in presentations is encouraged
for colorblind people.
- File contents can be previewed in file open dialog (OS-X only).
- "Memo Window" was renamed as "Note Window", and the behavior is improved. And text files can be
opened and edited in separate windows to the "Note Window".
- Scion LG-3 frame grabber works on OS-X.
- Library for Instrutech ITC-16 and ITC-18 was replaced with a new
version. Previous version of the library was used since
1998. The previous version of the library works without problems
on Macintoshs with 604e CPU, but does not work properly with G4
Macintoshes. For example, once TI Workbench was started and
quited, ITC-18 freezes and rebooting of Macintosh after turning off the
power was needed. This problem was gone with the new library.
- "On-line filtering"
function for image data is very useful especially for image ratioing
with rather noise images.
- ORCA-ER camera (Hamamatsu) with Snapper frame grabber card
(DataCell) can be used under OS-X.
- "Easy Time Lapse" function is
- "full frame" can "take" multiple wavelength at once.
- Animate of time lapse image stack loops the range matching to
those in time course plots.
- TIWB has added resouce fork to store several conditions (LUT,
magnification, etc.) in foreign image files when "Save back parameters"
option is turned on. This way causes data file crash if the data file
is located in Windows machine and is accessed through Mac OS-X SMB file
sharing machanism. So, additional information is stored in a separate
file with extension of ".tiprm".
- Location of temporal file for transfering data to/from Igor was
changed from Igor application folder to system-defined temporal folder.
- "show tomography"
function was added to the local image option menu. This enables to show
a cross section through time course or z-section.
- In stimulator
output, real wave form can be used for output pattern.
- Storing and selecting "User setting" became convenient. Way of
handling user settings has been like following. All the user settings
and parameters was stored in "TI Workbench.pref" in "System
folder"->"Preferences" folder by default. User settings was able to
be saved to other files by "File"->"Save preferences..." menu.
But, all the settings are saved to the default preference file when the
program quits. Changes of parameters after saving a user-specific
parameter file are stored in the default preference file instead of
user-specific preference file. This version, once a user starts the
program with a user-specific preference file, all the settings and
parameters are stored back into the user-specific file used at start-up
instead of the default preference file. So users can have different
setting files for different experiments. The new rule is like this:
- If tiwb is started with a preference file (by dropping a
preference file onto tiwb icon or double-clicking a preference file
icon), all the settings and parameters are stored back into the same
preference file. The default preference file ("System
folder"->"preferences"->"TI Workbench.pref") is not altered.
- Tiwb refuses to be started with more than one preference
- After starting tiwb, preference files can be opened by double
clicking or droppiing their icons onto tiwb's icon to change (not all
of) settings and parameters of the program. (This was also possible in
previous versions.) But, settings and parameters are stored back not to
parameter files opend during execution but to the preference file read
at starting time.
- Another mode of time-lapse imaging function was added to the
"full" image. This enables parallel time lapse of "seq" tand "full"
with different intervals and camera conditions (binning, expose time,
filter types, etc.).
- OS-X version is available for ITC-16 and ITC-18. But no camera
drivers yet!
- The annoying "plot windown disapperance" problem should have
- Many other bug fixes.
- Some bottle neck parts are optimized for Velocity Engine
(AltiVec), improving speed in displaying images and A/D sweeps.
- By virtue of the QuickTime importer, many kinds of image formats
can be imported.
- Copy and Paste functions
for Image were consolidated. Copying ROI positions, ROI colors are all
done with other properties by just selecting "Copy" menu item in the
Edit menu (short cut: cmd + C). This Copy operation also copies a PICT
of the image to clipboard which then used by other applications. Copied
properties of image can be transfered to other images by selecting
"Paste Special" (short cut: cmd + shift + P).
- Most of the operations on images can be undo / redo (thorough
undo or redo menu item in the Edit menu.
- "ROI is oval" menu item was moved from "glogal Image option" menu
to "local image opton" menu. Whether ROI is oval or rectangle is stored
in each image segment header.
- Bug fix: a serious bug was introduced in last October in focusing
for Photometrics cameras.
- Local Imge Option Menu was moved from image browser window and
left bottom coner of each image window to the menu bar.
- Time mark in time coruse plot in the course of discontinous image
sequence acquisition is available.
- Help is available in many
dialogs and in Help Menu with a web browser.
- In analysis for image time course plots, time range can be
modified by directly crick and drag the colored area in plot graph.
- Bug fix: animaiton of ratio image was very slow.
- Bug fix: speed factor for exorting QuickTime Movie did not work
at all.
- Size of font for ROI ID
can be changed.
- Position tracking
feature was added in Image windows.
- "train" mode was added to the CCD segments panel.
- "interleave exposure" option was added to the "link A/D with CCD" dialog.
- The meaning of words "interleave"
"interval" are defind for
- Another mouse action was added to electrophysiology window:
display range of time axis can be changed by dragging mouse in the
graph box.
- A bug was fixed by which "fitting using first and last values
with exponential function" function in bleach correction functions for
images were miscalculated.
- Methods to compensate
bleaching have been different between "bleach correction with
external file" and "bleach correction with first and last values of the
same sweep". The methods used in previous tiwb versions were:
- 1) Methods for "fitting using first and last values with
exponential function".
- F'(t) = F(t) * (fitfunc(t0) / fitfunc(t))
- F'(t) is compensated F value at time t. F(t) is a F value
at given time t. t0 is the first frame lapse time. fitfunc(t) is a
function with fitted parameters.
- 2) Methods for "bleach correction with first and last values
of the same sweep".
- F'(t) = F(t) + (fitfunc(t0) - fitfunc(t))
- In both cases, F(t) is F values after autofluorescence
correction. Bleaching correction is caliculated for each pixel of image
frame along the time stack, i.e., each pixel has different fitted
- Now, all bleach corrections are done by the former method.
- Program behavior in adding ROI to images is changed when "use
last ROI as background" option is on: Newly added ROIs are inserted
before the last ROI, leaving the last "background" ROI the same. And
the last ROI for background is always displayed by dotted black line.
- Timing of filter change is changed to reduce unnecessary
illumination. Filter is changed just before exposure start and then
changed to dark position just before data retrieval to a host computer,
if the camera hardware allows.
- Negative values can be set to the "delay" parameter for TIL-monochrometer configuration.
When negative values are set to this parameter, light source change is
delayed with this period unless light is turned off (dark position).
This further decreases unnecessary illumination time before "actural"
exposure. To enable this function, make sure that the wiring is done
according to a section of the manual, "Both Photometrics PXL/Quantix and
TILL Polychrome monochromator controlled with National Instruments
- overlay image can be rotated / expanded / shifted. Mix modes of
images is selectable.
- "tiled plots" function
was added.
- "manual F2" is available.
- Exporting image data to igor got much faster.
- Many bugs were fixed.
- "Tiled plots" feature is added for arranging time course plots of
image data. This function can be accessed through the "local option
menu" of image browser (short cut: cmd + T).
- A bug was fixed which caused strange behavior in the "hardware
gain" setting dialog called from the "Oscillo panel" dialog.
- A bug was fixed which caused incorrect automatic gain control for
images. There is no problem in the accuracy of the data itself.
- Size of the text buffer of the "memo" window was limited to 32
Kbytes. This limitation was removed.
- A serious bug was fixed, which has caused unstability of the
- Exporting data to Igor got much faster than before. This was due
to change exporting mechanism from PPC (program to program
communication) mechanism of the Mac OS to AppleEvent mechanism.
- All A/D channel data can be sent to Igor by one action.
- A bug in electrical recording was fixed which caused strange
behavior when long duraion (more than 2 sec) recording is halted by
pressing stop button.
- A single image can be used for autofluorescence correction.
- Separate LUTs are remembered for ratio and raw images.
- Window positions are properly remembered in multiple monitor
- A/D data can be live scrolled.
- Tiff 24 bit color files can be opened.
- IMPORTANT. Since a part of the
preference file format is changed, camera on-line parameters (INCLUDING filter exchanger settngs and camera gain,
etc.) are reset when on-line program is replaced with older ones
than this version into this or a newer version.
- Formats of file name and data id assigned by tiwb are changed.
Now, date is expressed by two numerics and exprirmnt number is
expressed by two numerics. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT
that data files generated by this version or later ones MUST be opened
by this version of later ones, otherwise old versions of tiwb will
crash or change the data id stored in the data header. This
version can open data files generated by older versions, of course.
- Bug fix. Improper behavior in handling "full frame" image (or
"reference image"). The "full frame" image checkbox in the "Bleach and Autofluorescence"
dialog and the "reference
image" option in the local image options should have
been the same. This bug had been introduced since the version of
- Linked "full frame" image information is stored in the original
image file (resource fork), and "full image" is opened automatically
when the original image is opened.
- Descriptions for "focus
averaging" and "background
subtraction in focusing" are added in the manual.
- A bug was fixed which caused improper behavior in "keep prev.."
options for images. This bug had been introduced since the version of
- A serious bug was fixed which caused crash when file name was
chanegd in CCD conrol panel.
- Carbon version is available for off-line mode.
- A sort of "flat-fielding" operation can be performed. This is
useful for enhancing contrast of DIC images.
- A bug was removed which has caused crashing system in acquisition
- Sequential image stack can be averaged before analysis through
the average, bleach and
autofluorescence dialog.
- Background subtraction function is deeply extended. Bleaching
correction and autofluorescence correction can be done using external
sweeps. Refer to average, bleach
and autofluorescence dialog.
- Image contrast optimize button
was addd to the rght top coner of image windows, which is equivalent to
the "optimize" button in the image contrast
selection dialog.
- In opening a file, particular packet(s) in a file can be directly
chosen. Refer here.
- Linking image acquisition and electrophysiology is controlled in
a separate control panel.
- Linked A/D sweep is now automaticlly opened when an image stack
is opened. A/D file does not have to be opened prior to opening image
- Image data can be sent to Igor as 2D wave (matrix) data as well
as PICT image data. This enables further analysis of image data in
- 3D display function of Igor Pro (version 3.14 or later) is
available in addition to TI Workbench's 3D display. These two functions
can be switched in the "3D display" dialog.
- Scroll check box was
- history menu was added
to the "full frame" box in the "ccd" control panel.
- A bug was fixed in layout window: copying to the clipboard with
zoom factor less than 100% did not work properly. I also notice that
there has been no description about that the "copy" and "cut" work
differently from the Macintosh standard behavior, which has been added
to the Layout Window section.
- Spot CCD camera (Diagnostics Instruments Inc.) is supported. At
this time, just a single filter exposure is capable. Spot-RT is not
- Troubles (mismatched contrast, LUT manipuration ) in displaying 8
bit images are solved.
- Sutter Lambda 10-2 filter/shutter controller is supported through
serial connection.
- Scion LG-3 frame grabber card is now seriously supported. Refer
to the newly added appendix
for the different behavior for LG-3.
- "Misc-Option" was added
to the menu bar.
- Tiwb warns when the Memo window is closed without saving the
content. This warning can be turned on/off through option menu.
- Speech recognition manager can be used to order some functions by voice.
- For Photometrics PXL and Quantix users:
- Blush up for Quantix cameras.
- The exposure time in fast continuous mode of Quantix
frame transfer cameras was found to be accurate. This means that an
external clock control is not needed, which is necessary for PXL-SCSI
connection cameras.
- No crash with faster frame rate than machine limit.
- Warning when frame
rate is shorter than machine limit (fast cont mode).
- "measure minimum" function is very accurate (only for
fast cont mode).
- It is now selectable whether to use external clock from PCI-1200 in
the camera configuration dialog. If you have been using this function
with PXL in older version than this, check "Trigger A/D start by PCI-1200 OUTB1
port on fast read mode" check box once. Quantix users should
uncheck this option.
- When Photometrics PXL/Quantix frame transfer cameras has a
shutter in front of the CCD chip, exposure time for focusing was not
controlled, which was corected. However, the shutter does open/close in
each exposure in focusing. Due to this behavior, focusing does not make
use of the benefit of frame-transfer. Fast read mode is not affected by
this behavior. And PXL/Quantix frame transfer cameras without a shutter
are free from this issue.
- TIFF files produced by Zeiss confocal microscope system can be
read as a sequence. Files named with continuous numbers can be read as
a series of images.
- Minor bugs are fixed.
- TIWB crashed when height of an oval ROI was set to 1.
- The last point of time course plot of an image segment was
not displayed.
- Contrast of "seq" image window was not automatically adjusted
even when "auto gain" check box was checked in fast continuous mode.
- "Save As.." function
was expanded for TIWB format files. When Save As TIWB format from TIWB
format file, data segments to be saved can be chosen. This enables
removing unnecessary data segments from a file. Thanks to Chris
Leonard's comment.
- A newer library (PPK rev. F1) is used for compile of PVCam
version. (PPK rev. F has been used.)
- Y2K bug was found and fixed. Weird year was displayed. Thanks to
Chris Leonard's comment.
- A lot of mis-spelling was corrected in this manual.
- ARGUS image data format
(*.img; Hamamatsu Photonics) can be read by tiwb.
- "Synchronization"
section was added to the manual.
- Some annoying behaviors in some "slide text edit" controls are
- In ratio display mode, "cut off dim pixel" mode was added to
ignore pixels lower than the display threshold.
- Any frames (single frame or averaged frames) can be used as
- Image frame stack can be processed in the "filter" function.
- "Save as TIFF" function was
improved: multiple stack can be saved in several bit depth.
- "Save as..." dialog had bugs with Navigation Service of Mac OS,
which was fixed.
- A ROI in an image can be activated (blinking) just touching
inside the ROI.
- Font size of memo text can be set when an image information is exported to Igor.
- delta F / Fbase display is available. % display is also
- User can change subregion size, binning factor and cut-off limit
during focusing without
terminating focusing.
- Cut off limit can be set in auto gain mode in focusing.
- A/D oscilloscope does not stop when image focusing is updating
when A/D is running in auto trigger mode. This feature is useful for
making patch clamp with monitoring with a camera controlled by this
- Line thickness
can be chosen when plots are sent to Igor.
- Princeton CCD cameras are now seriously supported.
- Statistical analysis items are added to time course plot analysis
for image.
- hardware information of a camera (gain, A/D speed, etc) is
displayed in the info box of ImageBrowser. This function is available
for data taken before this time.
- Sensicam CCD camera (PCO) is supported.
- Data format for Ross Lab is readable.
- ROIs can be edited by keyboard (edit ROI... menu item in
the local image option menu).
- Fitting to exponential curves is available in image time course
plot analysis.
- A subtle bug, by which "File I/O error" message was unnecessarily
shown, was fixed.
- ROI ID can be displayed in the image window. Use "show ROI ID"
menu item in the image option menu (menu bar).
- Length is an image can be measured by clicking mouse with shift
key down. The result is displayed in the Memo Window.
- More Filter Functions are added to the image filter.
- Analysis functions are added to the image plot, which can be
accessed by clicking inside the plot windows.
- Handling of display range of image time course plots is improved.
"full range" button was added and slide text edit is supported to the
disp range text edits.
- "search a boundary line" item was added to the "Analyze Image" dialog.
- A bug was fixed: in some situation, the program hung up in
exporting sequential image data to Igor.
- Thanks to Lucas's comment, a serious bug was fixed: The values in
the plot of detected slope (negative or positive) in the
electrophysiology part was wrong. The values should have been the
largest voltage (or current) difference divided by the "slope detection
width" time. But they have been the largest voltage (or current)
difference values. They were not divided by the time. So the previous
"wrong" plot is linearly correlated to the "correct" plot. The slope
value displayed in the "Peak Window" was correct.
- "peak" mode was added to the peak detection function of the
electrophysiology functions. This mode takes largest peak irrespective
of its sign (negative or positive).
- Continuous mode is now
available for frame transfer type PXL series cameras controlled with
National Instrument's PCI-1200 card. Since this mode uses Macintosh's
timer interruption, mis-acquisition of a frame could possibly occur
especially in short exposure time conditions. Please feed back to the
author about the successful rate of this mode.
- A serious bug was fixed: Pushing "take" button for full frame
acquisition does not return control to user in some cases. This bug
seems to have been introduced during recent 2-3 months.
- A bug was fixed: When "Save as..." or "Copy" was selected in Layout window, not all images
were saved / copied to Clipboard.
- A minor bug was fixed: display time range of A/D data was not
correctly saved (in recent versions (several months?)).
- "Trigger A/D start by
PCI-1200 OUTB1 port on fast read mode" function was added for
Photometrics PXL series cameras controlled with PCI-1200.
- Mask operation in
image was improved. User can now add/remove masked area manually. And
pixel values in masked area can now be neglected by setting "ignore
masked pixels" option in the background
subtraction dialog.
- In "analyze..."
dialog in the local image option menu, "regression line from pixel
positions of which values in display range" item was added. It is a
special purpose function which may not be useful.
- TIFF and PICT formats are added to the "Save As..." format for
- Sequential image acquisition is now controlled by Thread Manager
of the Mac OS, which enables more quick response in fast rate
acquisition in discontinuous mode.
- "fit plane" function was added (please wait for the explanation).
- "line compress" function was added (please wait for the
- "display baseline" switch was added to the Event Detect Dialog.
- The change on 3/2/98 was not true; on-line parameters has not
been retrieved. This version enables that function. Preference files
produced by previous version of this software hold on-line parameters
(retrieving of their information was failed).
- With a frame transfer type ccd camera, exposure time in focusing
mode is longer if too short exposure time is set (as indicated "actual
duration" in red ). When such focused images were saved, "duration" in
the file header held not the actual duration but "set" exposure times.
This issue is corrected; data header of full frame images hold actual
- Clicking Zoom box of the Memo window resulted in very huge size
of window. This bug was fixed.
- More dialogs support baloon help.
- Sending pulse count of event detection to Igor is available (it
has not been available).
- Manual was updated and the format was changed to HTML.
- A bug was fixed in 3/11 version: on-line event detection switches
in oscillo panel could not be used.
- Stimulator parameters are also loaded when "load pref file" is
done (it was not loaded so far).
- There was a bug in versions of Feb - March 2, '98: "save back
header" option did not work in some situations. This was fixed.
- Event detection is available in on-line A/D acquisition.
- Event Count function was added to the Event detect function of
A/D data.
- When a preference file is opened at start up time of TIWB (i.e.,
a preference file is dropped onto TIWB icon or a preference file is
double-clicked when TIWB is not yet opened), on-line parameters are
also loaded. (Thus far, on-line parameters can not be loaded by opening
preference file.) On-line parameters is not still loaded when a
preference file is opened after TIWB is already opened.
- "ignore pixels of which value below display range" switch was
added to the background subtraction condition dialog in the local image
option menu. With this switch on, pixels of which value under the lower
display range are ignored when mean of ROIs are calculated. Background
subtraction is done independent of this option.
- Princeton CCD cameras can be used.
- A selected ROI can be duplicated through "duplicate active ROI"
item in the local image option menu (short cut: cmd+r).
- "analyze" item in the local image option was added, which enables
to calculate stdev or rms of pixel values, etc.
- Scale can be displayed on image windows. Use "Set Scale..." item
in the local image option menu.
- Way of interruption was changed for discontinuous mode of image
acquisition, which enabled smoother user interaction during image
- A movable dialog pops up on fast animation.
- Keep previous Mask option did not work, which bug was fixed.
- Many other subtle improvements and bug fixes.
- preferences can be saved/loaded. Use "save pref as..." item in
the file menu to save a personal preferences for image and a/d
settings. Saved preferences can be retrieved by opening the pref file.
- ROI handling by mouse was improved (more smooth).
- Comment of linked A/D data can be sent to Igor when time course
plots of an image is sent.
- "to comment" button was added to the stimulator, which option
adds stimulator command strings to the ad data comment.
- A bug in the stimulator command interpreter: commands after a
loop expression were ignored (e.g. in case of "[0,1000;1,10],2;3,1000",
the expression "3,1000" was ignored). This bug was fixed.
- Baloon help is available in "oscillo panel" and "stimulator".
- 3D display is available when QuickDraw 3D is installed (Power
Macintosh only). "3D options" and "3D display" items are added to the
local option menu of image window. Practical pixel size seems to be
less than 100 x 100. 3D construction of the larger pixel image would
require much time and memory. To reduce the pixel size, increase
"smooth factor" for x and y coordination in the "3D options" dialog, or
reduce the area. In the current version, if there is an active ROI
(blinking ROI), 3D display is restricted to the active ROI (this
feature can be changed in future). 3D displayed image can be rotated by
dragging the mouse in the 3D window. The distance to the 3D object can
be changed by dragging the mouse with a shift key pushed.
- Display parameters set by the user can be saved back to the file
in case of TIFF format files.
- Image loading can be interrupted by pushing cmd+'.' keys when
reading a huge file. Hold down the keys until loading quits.
- Default ROI color set can be changed by the user, in addition to
the "ROI color copy/paste". The former is remembered after this
application finishes/starts. This function can be accessed in the "ROI
color..." item in the local option menu of image window.
- User can choose whether smoothen wave before measure slope of A/D
data or not (previously always smothened).
- spacer between items can be chosen from comma, space and tab in
memo out of image data.
- ROI shape can be copy/paste among image data.
- Bug fix: comment box of A/D dialog has malfunctioned for about a
- Bug fix: memo format dialog did not work properly.
- A bug was fixed: image size was not correct when scrolled, so
that ROI position was confusing.
- Clicking close box with option key pushed closes all windows.
- In discontinuous mode of PVCAM cameras, way of periodic
interruption was changed to avoid crashing. However, periodicity became
bad, i.e. if Mac is busy (background application or user manipulates
control panels in TIWB), exposure interval is delayed very easily.
Anyway, the time course plot is plotted correctly, since exact exposure
time is recorded in milisec precision.
- minor improvements.
- A bug was fixed: time unit was incorrect (1000 times larger
value) in exported time course plot of image, which bug was introduced
since 7/30/97 version.
- image window and "Layout" window are scrollable. The behavior of
the grow box (right bottom corner of windows) of image windows was also
changed; it does not change zooming factor but merely changes the
window size.
- F1 and F2 mode was added to the image display option in addition
to the "raw", "ratio", "F1+F2" and "mask" modes.
- "play button" was added to the image window, by which "fast
animation" is started.
- "F - F0" (not F/F0, F1/F2, etc.) option in ratio parameter was
- A minor bug was fixed: "default param" in Calcium conc. dialog
could not be remembered.
- File location information of the Igor program is now stored in
the preference file "TI Workbench.pref" file in the "preference" folder
in the system folder. So that "inoueIgorLocation" file in the
"preference" folder is no longer necessary. Igor location is asked once
again when this version is used.
- Igor communication part was improved. Frequency of the error
message suggesting restarting Macintosh is reduced. Igor can be quitted
during execution of TI Workbench.
- Discontinuous mode of sequential acquisition of PXL series camera
is more stable, especially in "busy" conditions such as very short
- ROI shapes can be set different among frames in a segment, which
enables tracking a moving samples. Refer to "Segment plot" in the "ROI
manipulation and Time course plot windows" section of the manual.
- "ROI shape is fixed" option was added to the "image-option" menu
in the menu bar, which disables ROI shape change, but ROI movement and
assignment of new ROIs can be done.
- Changing frame in a segment can be done by left and right arrow
- "dark between" check box in the CCD control panel has not
functioned, which now properly works.
- linked A/D sweep can be displayed in time course plots of an
image data. "display linked AD data" option was added to the local
image option menu.
- A bug was removed: too much focusing had caused crashing.
- Focusing speed was improved for frame transfer type cameras
(especially binning larger than 2 x 2), but, instead program does not
respond to user's action during focusing.
- Image option menu in the menu bar was separated into two menus.
"Global" items which are used for all images remains in the
"image-option" menu in the menu bar and "local" items which affect just
for the active image were moved to "option" menu in the "image browser"
- Time unit can be chosen when A/D data or time course data of
image is sent to Igor.
- Behavior in recording long duration A/D is improved. (1) It
displays continuous (not dotted) sweep. (2) It does not display "junk"
sweep when long recording is terminated before preset duration. (3)
Display range (time and voltage) can be changed in recording. And
subtle improvements.
- A serious bug was fixed: when quitting this application, crash or
abnormal termination has been seen, which was fixed.
- Flickering seen in drawing A/D graph with peak detection range
was removed.
- Intrinsic video digitizer function (AV-Mac) is again available.
- Fuji Deltaron fast camera is available.
- Short cut cmd+K is assigned to the "set mask" function in
"image-option" menu.
- In alternate filter mode and ratio display mode, image was not
displayed properly, which was fixed.
- "Event Detection" function is added to the A/D browser, which
enables spontaneous EPSP counting, single channel event detection, etc,
which can be called from "Event Detection" menu in the "ad-option"
menu. However, there is still no description in the manual.
- An A/D, D/A card, Instrutech ITC-18, is available.
- Cancel button was added to the "Discard or save" dialog appearing
in CCD online mode.
- ROI color change function was moved from "double clicking a Roi"
to "image-options" menu.
- When time course plots are exported to Igor, each plot has
separate lapse time list in Igor (they shared the lapse time list thus
far). By this change, ratio plot does not have unnecessary points when
F2 first and/or F2 last mode is selected.
- "optm" buttons in the A/D dialog sometimes caused hung up, which
was fixed.
- So far, "TI Workbench" application file has been easily
collapsed, because layout window used the resource folk of the
application file as a buffer. This version uses a separate file as a
layout window buffer.
- Modification of "auto track" function on 4/11 was not complete.
- More number of errors are reported by error messages instead of a
simple beep.
- Type of items of the memo out function of Image can be chosen by
the user.
- Memo text can be sent to Igor when an Image is sent to it.
- File plot can be raised to a Layout in Igor when exported.
- The "auto track" function in the oscillo panel was improved. It
does not miss sweep.
- Way of automatic naming of full image was changed. When "save"
button in the full image panel is pushed, the same name as the current
seq data id (with ".dts" at the end) is assigned to the file name of
the full image. User can of course change it.
- When time course plots of image frames are sent to Igor, linked
A/D data can be exported with it.
- Ratio image display mode is available in the online "seq" image.
- A bug in ratio image was fixed. Ratio images of previous versions
were incorrect when (1) "last ROI is background value" option is
selected and not alternate filter mode and (2) single wave length mode
and "fixed background value" or "last ROI is background value" mode was
selected. Time course plot has been correct.
- An image segment keeps a data ID of a corresponding A/D data
(termed "linking"). This link is made automatically when "link oscillo"
and "auto save linked A/D" check boxes in the ccd dialog are on. Or,
link is manually set/reset through "overlay and link..." item in the
"image-option" menu. If an image segment has a link to an A/D data and
the A/D data file is opened, corresponding A/D sweep is called
- The option "ratio plot inverted ordinate" added on 3/14/97 was
removed. Instead, F1/F2 or F2/F1 can be chosen in "ratio and [Ca]
parameters..." item in the "image-option" menu.
- Parameters for Ca conc. calculation can be (1) remembered as a
default set and (2) kept among segments. To set/retrieve a default set
of Ca parameters, choose "Ca" menu in the "image-option" menu. To
on/off the keep option among segments, select "keep Ca param" option in
the "image-option" menu.
- A bug was fixed: the ratio plot of the image time course was not
correct when F2 first is checked. The plot was merely the plot in which
every F1 value was divided by the first F1 value.
- Ratio plot can be displayed upside down. Select "ratio plot
inverted ordinate" item in the "image-option" menu.
- A/D peak dialog is updated when oscillo window reads a new data,
which enables resistance monitor when sealing a patch pipette or
watching Rm or Rs.
- file plotting can be aborted by cmd + '.' keys.
- Items in the Layout Window can be resized by dragging the corners
with mouse.
- "Record" button was added to the stimulator dialog, which is
equivalent to the "Record" button in the Oscillo Panel.
- find button was added to the A/D dialog, which enables finding
appropriate offset without changing gain.
- Bugs were fixed.
.When full image was linked with the auto read of seq image, the
interval of seq images (segments interval) were longer than the set
. In Oscillo panel, when stimulation set was changed, data id was
changed to illegal strings.
- A bug in "A/D print" function was fixed: 2nd channel data could
not be printed properly.
- Scion LG-3 frame grabber is available for image acquire.
- Multiple subarray in fast continuous mode in PXL was not
available because of a bug. It has been fixed.
- way of selecting object in Layout window was improved. (drag
multiple objects, select/deselect object, etc.)
- Roi frames are updated in both full and seq image window in
- Roi color can be changed by double clicking a Roi.
- A/D acquisition is more stabler (interrupt handling has been
- Timing of A/D and image acquisition. plan 1. was to enable user
defined "wait time" before A/D start. plan 2. was that A/D starts when
F1 image acquisition starts. The latter (plan 2) was chosen because
there is no way to detect if the "user defined wait time" is too short
or not.
- Brightest 5 pixels are neglected from automatic guessing gain in
focusing mode and monitoring time of discontinuous mode. This might
reduce "jumping" gain.
- Overlay function was added to the Image functions, though it is
not complete, at least you can overlay multiple images onto one image
to make multiple staining sample to show multiple colors.
- F1 and F2 images can be displayed with separate LUT conditions.
- F1 and F2 images can be overlaid by "F1 + F2" display mode.
- Images are sent to IP-Lab through TIFF format temporally files
instead of IP-Lab format files, which decreases hanging up of the
computer, but LUT information can not be transmitted to IP-Lab.
- Pixel values of F2 images can be correctly displayed when mouse
cursor is placed over the F2 image region in alternate filter mode.
- Roi can be selected/modified on the F2 image region in alternate
filter mode.
- Red and green Cluts are added.
- Comment can be added/edited in the ImageBrowser dialog.
- Baloon Help is available in some menus and dialogs (currently,
A/D browser, Image browser, A/D-option menu and image-option menu.
- Scroll bars are added to the comment box in the A/D browser and
info. box in the Image browser. Comment can be directly modified in the
comment box in the A/D browser.
- memo button in the A/D browser was deleted.
- A/D data larger than 20 MBytes could not be read, which was
- The English of the manual was intensively blushed-up by Dr. Lucas
- QuickTime Movie output was improved. Image frame shape was not
correct, which was fixed. Video play speed can be chosen.
- Layout Window is available. Images can be ported to it then can
be printed / copied / saved.
- linking full image acquisition with automatic segment aquisition
("segments" acquisition).
- polarity of D/A output for TIL was again reversed. And the input
voltage value must be the "final" voltage which is put into TIL
(amplified voltage).
- viscosity correction factor is introduced to the Ca conc.
- TIFF file of Olympus Fluoview (confocal microscope) can be read.
- Memory allocation method has been improved, which results in
reducing "memory shortage" error message.
- Slope detection is available in peak detection function of
electrical recording.
- Ca conc calculation is available by Rmax/Rmin method. Use "[Ca]"
menu item of the image-option menu.
- minor bugs are fixed:
- "fixed background value" text box works properly.
- "extra filter 3" check box can be properly set/reset.
- Empty disk space is correctly displayed when current disk is
- Stop and Pause button is available during discontinuous recording
of images of PXL series cameras and during all sequential recording of
Series 200 cameras.
- "slow continuous mode" of PXL series camera is now not available
because of its unreliability in exposure duration.
- mouse selection can be used either for multi ROI or sub register
operations on the full image window, which can be chosen by the ratio
buttons in the "ccd online" panel (and which is further reversed by
pushing shift key).
- minor bug fix. When disk space is short, header has been written
without writing data, which have made an "incomplete" file. "Header
only file" is no longer made.
- disk space indicator in the ccd online panel sometimes displayed
another disk's free space. This point was fixed.
- Disk full error is indicated (it has not been reported when
- Mask function was added to the image functions. Images can be
masked. For detail, refer to the manual.
- A bug was fixed: when Lut range is changed by sliding the LUT
tag, this program hangs up when min and max tags cross.
- A fatal bug was fixed: when one image is opened, this program
hung up when the image is closed!
- Ratio images have not been displayed correctly (deformed), which
bug was fixed.
- Slide Text Edit input method can be used for the user variables
in the stimulator.
- Way of background subtraction can be selected. (see "background
subtraction" in the image-option Menu section of the manual). Thus far,
this was fixed to the condition when image was taken.
- Time course plotting of raw image now displays background values
by dotted line.
- Bugs were fixed.
- "use back image as 1st frame" is dimmed and not accessible in
some situations.
- When ratio display is selected for an image of alternate
filter mode, image window size was not changed to a single image size.
- When ratio display is selected, pixel value indicated by
mouse movement was still that of raw data.
- When imaging and electrophysiological recording are combined,
time stamp (experiment time) was not matched between the two
recordings, which was fixed.
- Alternate filter mode is now available in fast continuous mode,
when PXL and TIL Polychrometer is driven by National Instrument
PCI-1200 card.
- "keep previous Rois" option was added to the "image-option" menu.
- Copy command copies image instead of LUT color belt when image
browser dialog is active. To copy LUT color belt to the Clipboard,
select "copy LUT to clipboard" in the "image-option" menu.
- Stimulator description syntax was expanded: refer to the
corresponding part of the manual.
- TIL polychrometer can be controlled by DA port from ITC-16 for
PCI Mac, although simultaneous electrical recording is not available.
- A bug in background subtraction was fixed.
- ITC-16 for PCI Macintosh can (seem to) be used with this program.
Apparent problem: frequency more than 1 msec can not be used.
- "File Plot" function was added for time course plotting.
- Animation speed was improved.
- A fatal bug which caused crash after stopping sequential image
acquisition was fixed.
- Live video (through video in port of AV Macs) image can be saved.
- auto track switch was added to the oscillo panel.
- "keep among experiment sets" switch was added to the hardware
gain dialog of the oscillo panel.
- Igor Pro 3.01 was confirmed to work with this program.
- Stimulator parameters can be registered/retrieved.
- Linking of CCD recording and electrophysiological
stimulation/recording is available.
- Oval ROI in the image windows is available.
- Current frame is indicated by a vertical line in time course plot
windows. And the vertical line can be dragged to change current frame.
- ITC-16 for PCI card is supported.
- "slide text edit" was added to some text edit boxes in dialogs.
- "use shutter in CCD" button in the CCD configuration dialog for
PXL had not worked, which was fixed.
- In focusing with frame-transfer type PXL camera with a shutter in
the front, shutter did not open, which was fixed.
- "full" switch was added to the "full" panel in the CCD control
dialog. With this switch off, sub array(s) is (are) taken as "full
image" . This option was added for speed up focusing.
- Alternate filter image selection was added to the PICT option
- a vital bug was found and fixed, which has been causing memory
shortage often.
- PICT options is added into the image-option menu.
- "use back image as first dark image", which was buggy, was
- "save" buttons in CCD dialog are dimmed after saving.
* Final definitions (exact functions) of "keep previous display range"
and "keep previous position" in the image-option menu have not been
before 7/8/96
- Files made by this software can be opened by double clicking the
data files or drag-and-dropping to the application icon.
- many changes.